Sunday, February 15, 2009

Premium Submission or paid submission

Some directories (particularly the General SEO directories) offer a premium submission. This submission will cost you more money but will come with one or more of the following benefits:

1. Quick Turn Around Time
This usually ranges from 12 hours to 3 days, although if your paying for your submission at all then it should always be reviewed within one week. Without the other benefits below this by itself is not enough of an incentive to justify the extra payment.

2. Guaranteed Inclusion
Paying premium here will guarantee your link being included in the directory. Potentially valuable if you doubt the quality of your website under the eyes of a judging human editor. The reality is most sites are built to make money and Adsense ads and affiliate programs can sometimes get in the way of acceptance. On the flip side directories (generally) are also built to make money and so there are some that will always accept your website if you pay the fee.

3. Link Flexibility
As search engine algorithims continue to develop directories are increasing their flexibility to meet the webmaster demand for keyword rich links rather than having to use their website / company name. This allows you to use your target keywords in your links which will have the knock-on effect of improving your search engine relevancy for those keywords. A valuable benefit in an internet world where the big search engines are trying to weed out “unnatural” links.

4. Additional Links to Internal Pages
Premium payment will generally allow you to have anything between 3 and 7 internal pages of your website included in your link submission. This means that you will be getting up to 8 internal links from one submission. Internal page links always allow flexibility in the anchor text and so can be useful for improving the search engine positioning of these pages.

Depending on the particular project I generally consider paying premium for 3 and 4.